Friday, May 29, 2009

Why Good Minds Must Struggle (The Chance for All to See)

It sounds awfully backwards
but good people suffer
because they're willing to.

That's the ridiculous truth.

Good people suffer
because they choose
to see the world
differently, as a
case of possibilities
rather than in limited
and selfish terms.

They suffer because
they want to give others
a chance to see things
the same way.

Good people don't suffer
because of random events -

well heck, if you want
to see it that way,
you're probably not
all that good a person.

Things will always happen.

Things happening aren't
what cause real suffering -

that's nonsense.

Suffering for a good cause
is persevering in the face
of adversity, refusing to
believe what's wrong
can be allowed to stay wrong,
for mere convenience's sake.

Good people suffer and struggle
to provide the chance for all to see.

It's as simple as that.

It's another thing everyone knows
but few are willing to accept.

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