Friday, May 8, 2009

Jeff Probes

Part of the reason
anyone should have
been a dedicated
fan of Survivor
for the past decade
is Jeff Probst,
the host of the show,
who finally got
to do the reunion
specials after only
a few seasons.

You want an expert
of the series,
you want to talk
about this guy.

You want the best
perpective, you want
Jeff Probst, both
when he's actually
there with the
contestants and later,
especially since
he's recently
starting blogging at

The dude's all right.

He's the smartest person
around, asks the right
questions, sets the right
mood, and always knows
better than the tribes do
what's really going on,
even when they don't.

He may not know who's
going to win (because,
after all, he's the show's
biggest fan), but he
usually knows who should,
and that makes him
easy to identify with.

Survivor is a better way
than all the talk shows
and self help books out there
to find out what people
are really like, better than
magazines, better than radio,
better than blogging and Twitter.

And the man who helps
everyone get that is
Jeff Probst.

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