Monday, May 25, 2009

The Politics of Globalization

Yeah, so explain to me
how globalization really
can be so bad. Go ahead.

Tell me how it isn't
inevitable, that the world
doesn't get smaller by
the day no matter what
we do, and so it is
probably better to embrace it
than fear it. Please, tell me!

Does a culture remain so pure
if isolated, free from
stagnation, from alienation,
harmful no matter how you
describe it? Does not the free
exchange of ideas make us all better,
no matter how big or small
the transition? Does it not
begin from individual to individual,
from parent to child, anyway?

Who's to say you can really
repress change without
causing more damage than
what you hope to prevent?

Don't you become more like
what you fear when you avoid it
than you would if you embraced it?

Globalization is about
new possibilities, new ideas
built upon old ideas, which
is the true source of progress.

But I guess it's more
politically advantageous,
no matter who's trying
to prevent it, to fear
a bigger world filled
with bigger families,
because then you can't
hide so many of your secrets,
you begin to lose
your "advantage."

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