Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Right to be Wrong means Right can come from Wrong (The Judgment of Morality)

The most difficult
thing to understand
is that it's actually
okay for people
to be wrong.

I don't mean in
a subjective sort of way,
but in a blatantly
objective view.

Being wrong doesn't
mean that wrong
is the only outcome.

That's the real bitch.

It doesn't mean
that being wrong
is okay, but that
you've got to understand
that wrong doesn't
just mean wrong,
that just because
you don't agree, say,
that you won't end up
with the same results
from opposite ends
of an issue.

So let's use the word,
perspective. It's all
about understanding that
positions and opinions
almost don't matter,
because you can work
the same angles
from opposite ends,
and never realize it.

We've got too many people
ready to assume the opposite,
and that, my friends,
is what's really wrong.

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