Monday, May 18, 2009

The Politics of Courage

When Kennedy wrote
Profiles in Courage,
he chose to spotlight
a number of American
Senators who'd
risked their careers
on matters they thought
more important than
their own political
well-being. It's
interesting, is all,
that for a party that
has so often virtually
deified him, the Democrats
don't seem to actually
share his value.

Now would be a great
time to remember that,
when we're considering
the weight of history,
not just in favor
of someone who can
be popular, but the
man who came before him,
who persevered, turned
every cheek, for
ideals he thought
worth fighting for.

That's the kind of
courage I care about,
the kind of politics,
not purblind doomsters,
but that sees Value
even when it seems
like a challenge.

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