Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Psychology of Natural Selection

While we're at it,
we might as well
discuss the concept
of natural selection.

No please, tell me
about it.

The theory goes, what,
survival of the fittest?

Or is that just what
we've been saying
all these years?

Personally, I think
natural selection
refers simply to
an ability to adapt,
and maybe it's nature
and maybe it's nurture
and maybe it's both.

But to call it a thing
strictly determined
by "winning" or "losing,"
then you start making
judgment calls, which
can no longer be
considered objective.

And we're talking
about an objective thing,
natural selection.

You can't really be
natural and be artificial
at the same time, right?

I think it's far easier
to just look at the
subjective surface and
say survival of the fittest
because you're not
really paying all that
close attention
to what's going on.

Because I haven't seen
much of anything end myself.

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