Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Help Control the Polite Population - Have Your Bitch Spayed or Neutered

First off,
why the fuck
is it still
okay to use
the word "bitch"
so liberally,
or even the
"son of a bitch"?

Can we not take
women seriously yet,


I'm suggesting
in all fairness
that if we are
to practive
eugenics for
any reason, it's
to free up more
of the world for
people who actually
care about other
people, not in
the way that they're
not willing to kill
everyone else, but
in the way that
they're willing
to consider the
interests of someone
else while they
go about their
public business.

I don't think
this is so much
to ask.

It would save me
many headaches, anyway.

Seriously, can't
we pretend to know
other people exist?

And if we can't,
can't we just keep
those people whom
we know don't care now
from having more people
who most certainly
won't either?

Pretty please?

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