Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ten Years of SpongeBob!

Mr. SquarePants
represents a huge
cultural transition,
insofar as he made
it safe, along with
Rugrats, for cartoons
on cable to be cool.

He's legitimately
as big as Looney Tunes,
and what he did
was basically ruin
network cartoons forever.

The bastard! Do we
really needs a thousand
anime shows? Seriously?

But without SpongeBob,
I wouldn't be able to
suggest any number of
pets live in a pineapple
under the sea, and that
would be tragic.

I just love the theme,
and it's great to hear
at a ballpark.

So what if the Simpsons clan
ushered in the wave of the
future, where cartoons
are geared toward adults,
virtually ensuring that
kids would have to migrate
to cable, which is where
everyone suddenly realized
they could dilute
everything else?

But we got SpongeBob!

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