Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Poem for Jill

Jill may be a beagle,
but she's not Snoopy,
doesn't even like to
lie on top of dog houses.

She's my sister's dog,
a few months shy of Jack
but a constant sparring
partner and leading
contender for ownership
for any toy they want
to play with, a big dog
trapped in a small dog's body.

Her eyes will convince
anyone she's adorable
and will get her out
of any trouble (until,
maybe, you begin to
catch on, but it'll
still work anyway).

If Jack's a Charlie in the Box,
then Jill is the one everyone
wants, says they'll kidnap
(not jokingly, if they
really could get away with it),
and will let leap and lick
all over them, because
her tongue is lethal,
and nobody minds. But,
truth be told, she's
really worse than Jack,
and if she weren't so cute,
everyone would notice.

But they still wouldn't care,
because Jill is cute and
that's all there is to say
about that. Oh, and as far
as Boo is concerned, Jill
thinks she's got just another
tumbling partner, no matter
what Boo thinks (when Jack's
away, she'll really get carried
away with that thought),
so as much as Boo doesn't
tolerate Jack, she has to
at least pretend to put up
with Jill - yeah, just
another example of the Jill effect.

She really has gotten better
since the training, but she's
still playing catch-up with Jack,
no matter how it looks.

But darn it, she's cute!

She also sheds. Like a dog.

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