Friday, April 10, 2009

Mr. Mojo Risin'

"I was interested in revolt,
disorder, chaos, and any
activity that seems to
have no meaning."


Making sense out of
no sense is pretty much
living the dream,
making something work
that has no reason to.

Mojo is like the ability
to make your own luck,
to write a destiny that
others can't follow,
won't even be able
to make sense of,
not with a minute
or forty years to
think on.

But still, mojo
rises to the top,
no matter what, it's
impossible to deny,
even if everyone does,
a massive underestimation
that lingers around.

Fame is irrelevant. Even
the least known person
in the world was known
by someone, and the most
famous in the world
wasn't known by someone.

Jim Morrison, the Lizard King,
(even Golden Gods like him)
was more than the sum of his
parts, had his own demons,
like everyone does, but he
somehow made sense of them,
that's all I mean.

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