Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Before Love Comes to Town

I wonder what people
are doing right before
they find love.

Are they really expecting
to find it or are
they caught off guard?

Does it really matter
how long it takes
for love to sink in?

Is it love if you
find it but the other
person hasn't yet?

Can you find love
without conforming
to its traditional ways?

Is a love prolonged
love at all or
just a variation?

What does time have
to do with love, anyway,
is what I'm really saying.

I once wrote,
there's no distance
in the space where love is.

Well, now I'm saying,
there's no clock
watching over love.

I'm saying, believe in me,
believe in love, believe
that love is,

that love is
and that when
love comes to town

you can't help
but be ready,
because love is.

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