Monday, April 27, 2009

Julian's Wii

The things you can still learn
about friends and family...

Reverend Bill, as it turns out,
never was a priest at all,
but rather really wanted to be.

Julian was born with a Wii
controller in his hand,
but wait, it was just Photoshop.

You think you've figured it
all out, all the little details,
but then new facts about old details
come out, and you're left a little
shaken, caught off guard,
wondering how things will come
back into focus, when you'll
know everything again.

Friends and family,
well hey, maybe they're
not so different from
strangers after all,
maybe you ought to
spend your time
getting to know them,
and not just assuming
that you do.

But, Julian still
looked adorable
with his game on,
right after birth.

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