Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Responding to the World's Vagaries

There's another Star Trek
philosophy I'd like to
bring up, and that's
the Great Material Continuum,
which is different from
Karma like the
Metaphysics of Value
are different from the
Metaphysics of Quality.

The Great Material Continuum
suggests that you will
always get what you need,
and I think that's
the way the world works,
which is confusing
because most people
assume they will
always get what
they want, and become
frustrated when they
can't, no matter
what they do

The Great Material Continuum
is ironic, because it comes
from a blatantly commercial
society, but doesn't treat
economics the way we do,
or even the way the Ferengi do,
but rather how we should.

To trust in it
is to believe
that our pursuits
are worth whatever
effort we place in
them, and if you
do, the outcome
is always assured.

If we trusted
more like that,
we'd be better off,
not afraid when
things go wrong,
but confident
that in the end
they will go right.

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