Sunday, March 22, 2009

Only Love Can Leave Such A Mark

If there indeed is a global
conspiracy, it has ever only
been to suppress this fact:

Society is always led by its
most primitive minds, but
mankind is always evolving.


There was a Polish scientist
who basically exiled himself
to Antarctica, but he left
behind the love of his life.

To commemorate her, he
gathered penguin dung, and
spelled out the first
letter of her name,

and since then, two species
of flowering plants have
thrived on that spot,
leaving a permanent
imprint of his love for her.


Guggenheim finally made it
obvious why I always found
the Wallcrawler appealing,
what most writers have always
failed to articulate,

and that's the fact that
Peter Parker represents
not just a relatable hero,
but someone who has
considerable smarts
but isn't afraid to
be a noncomfortist goof.

He is an embodiment
of the true spirit
of progress, and is
in a sense not really
so different from
Batman or Superman
after all. Each of them
represents the cusp
of discovery and practicality
that science always takes.

Maybe Superman isn't so
obvious, but Morrison
always seems to sense
his potential, whether
as an All Star
or in the midst
of a Final Crisis.


I think my love
for you is
oblique like that,
the discovery
that takes time
to reveal itself.

Only love can leave
such a mark, a transition
everyone sees but
mostly chooses to ignore.

But that doesn't mean
it isn't there.

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