Friday, February 20, 2009

Economics of Perspective & Change

It's difficult to calculate
the worth of change.

Change isn't always
a good thing, or at
least, doesn't always
feel that way, but
there's always the
chance you'll figure
out a way to make
it worth your while,
to work out a proper
perspective that adds
Value where you saw
none before.

In my view, economics
ought to be concerned
more with Value than
any other concern.

Value determines change,
interprets perspective,
and in short, is how the
world really turns 'round,
not by the Quality or
some other subjective
reasoning, but rather
the undefinable
"divine plan" that
provides an objective view
that must be understood,
to be seen by the eye
of the beholder.

It's like saying there
is only one type of beauty
in the world, when everything
around you contradicts
that view. If you're
blind to it, then that's
not the fault of the beauty,
which discovers the truth
of its Value in that which
appreciates it, rather than
in rank denial.

True love ways.

To find the proper
perspective, or to discover
that change has made it easier
or harder to see, that's
real wisdom, and no rules
of an economy can contain that.

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