Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Economics of Economics

I never trust an expert in economics.

It's not that I have any particular
interests in directing the shape
of economics, it's just,

I never trust an expert in economics.

People who go along with the general
flow of economics are people who
trust heavily in the concept of economics,
who don't see a problem with a trend
that goes up and down on a regular basis,
as if there's no way to find some balance
in economics. That's why

I never trust an expert in economics.

I guess I just don't understand economics,
why there are people who have everything
they want and there are people who
apparently can't have anything,
why we're to believe it has anything
to do with whatever a person happens
to spend their day doing. Checking
a sheet is not beneficial to economics.
We pay people to entertain us,
for crying out loud, quite a large
amount, dear economics! You may
recall I once proposed to solve
the ails of economics by allowing
anyone in need to put on a mere puppet show,
and get paid for that, oh economics! But
we can't just do that, and that's why

I never trust an expert in economics.

Budgets are for people who believe in
budgets, who need budgets, who didn't
get enough constraint in the womb.
Budgets are for people who can't
imagine a world that has actually
been pretty self-regulating for a
good number of thousands of years,
yet the economics of the environment say
its budget is shot. Well, like I said,

I never trust an expert in economics.

I could go on, but I'm exercising restraint...

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