Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Democracy of Economics

I can imagine a world
where people can choose
how things are done,
where rules have not
been set in stone,
but rather can be molded
to best shape the occasion,
where employment is equal
and things can be done
not because they have to be,
but because people want
to do them.

How can so many people
come together to make
a movie or a TV show,
and work so coherently
so consistently, yet
no one else can seem
to grasp that this might
work elsewhere?

How can so many people
talk about free elections
and the pursuit of happiness,
when in practice we govern
ourselves by the most
archaic methods possible,
rule by economics?

If it works in government,
if it works in entertainment,
if it works in sports,
why can't it work in economics?

I imagine a world in which
a democracy of economics
allows everyone to prosper,
to leave no tyrant unchecked,
no slave to no man,
where man can choose
on his own whether he is happy,
not conform to chains around him,
but bask in the efforts that
are his right.

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