Sunday, January 18, 2009

Now I Can Sleep ZZZ

I'll tell you
what amuses me:

It's the people
who can't find
the respect for
decent opinions,
who instead
choose to fester
in their rotten
little holes
until someone
drags them out,
and even then,
they continue
to believe as
they did before.

Hm, that story
sounds familiar,
but hey, in a way,
lots of people
ended up supporting
that guy, right?

I'm sorry, what
amuses me is
the notion that
people are perfectly
okay to believe
completely retarded
things just because,
in entirely unreasonable
ways, those beliefs
make sense to them.

Hey, I'm okay
if those beliefs
lead to good things.
Unfortunately, bad things
lead to good things,
so the truth is everyone
really should be okay
with everything, but
it's a lot easier
for me to root
for those beliefs that
in the short-time
work out better than
those that make us all

wait. But, that's
the nature of reality.

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